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Benefits of bulk SMS marketing for schools

Benefits of bulk SMS marketing for schools

By Bulksmsplan

March 18th, 2024

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Here are several ways to leverage quality control in your business.

1.  SMS to deliver warning for any natural catastrophe or any abnormal event

This precaution broadcast is very helpful in areas of extreme weather. Climate conditions can hamper roads and several other means of transport, such as railways and ferry’s leading to closures and cancellation or temporary delay. It’s very common that parents and teachers are oblivious to these sudden changes until they reach the school grounds and thus it becomes the obligation of the school authorities to care of the situation and take necessary steps to inform all the guardians as soon as possible and it is not possible to make a call to everyone and thus the benefits of bulk SMS service shines, as one click will send a warning message to all the concerned. 

2.  Parents teachers meeting

In the day to day hustle it is very obvious that parents might forget about important updates from schools about any formal or informal function but with the use of bulk SMS parents can regularly notice the notifications from schools and enjoy every special moment of their child’s life.

3.  Exam reminders

All the efforts of days and months ring the final bell of exams with all the tension the students and their parents are going through it might not be very surprising to jumble up the exam sheet in their brains, but with regular exam updates the school can always ring up the notification bell in the phone to notify the subject test, so that any mishap can be solved.

4.  New student recruitment

An SMS campaign will shoot the appropriate arrow of call for new student recruitment across the state. A simple message to all the prospective parents about the final closures for application forms or donation date or pre-admission exam dates can be issued beforehand to make sure that neither the school nor the parents and the students miss their opportunity to provide education to all and to learn.

5.  Urgent messages

There are certain times when getting in touch with parents can be difficult and sometimes immediate response from parents are required or they are to be notified immediately of any situation that might require their attention, as in cases where their child is sick or there is a fire alarm in the school and children are to be picked up by their parents only. Wherein there have been several cases that a call was made to the parents but no one answered the call and parents remain unaware of the situation until and unless they tried to connect with the school, but in case of SMS it will have the full detail of matter, so that the parents can take immediate action.

6.  Staff contact

SMS messages are quite handy to contact the school staff.  A simple text can inform them to respond quickly, which is cheaper as compared to a call and there is no hassle of a missed call because the school did their part of informing. The school can ask the staff to respond to fill in absentees or they can be contacted to take control of any unusual situation or to examine any place quickly. It’s very important that schools maintain good relationships with their staff as they are the one who serves the school and maintains hygiene at every place and serves the students as well as the school authorities and the teachers.

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